Bloor Homes is promoting the land south of Bury Road, Barrow through the emerging West Suffolk Local Plan and Barrow-cum-Denham Neighbourhood Plan.
This dedicated consultation portal will provide an update on the plans since the previous consultation and how comments have been incorporated into the illustrative masterplan.
We urge you to show your support for the land at Bury Road through the feedback form and the Parish Council’s ongoing neighbourhood plan consultation.
Consultation event
Following a community workshop in February 2023, Bloor Homes is holding a consultation event.
Tuesday 17th October 2023
6.30pm – 9pm
Barrow VC Primary School, Colethorpe Lane, Barrow, Bury Saint Edmunds, IP29 5AU
This will provide an opportunity to learn more about the proposals, how they have evolved as a result of community input as well as ask any questions to members of the project team directly.
The site
Bloor Homes is promoting the land south of Bury Road in Barrow as part of emerging development plans being undertaken by West Suffolk District Council and Barrow-cum-Denham Parish Councils.
The site has been identified as the preferred location for new homes in Barrow in the emerging West Suffolk draft Local Plan, which is currently at Issues and Options stage.
The draft Local Plan highlights a number of policies which seek to protect and enhance the important facilities in Barrow, whilst meeting the acute growth needs of the district.

Allocations – Residential
Allocations – Employment

Engagement to date
Consultation was undertaken with the local community to understand initial views on the proposed development.
This included a community workshop and near neighbour event to understand what the local community wants from the development as well as gather comments prior to the masterplan being worked on.
Engagement to date timeline:
- February 2023 – Community workshop
- April 2023 – Near neighbour event
At these events, proposals were not set in stone other than the access and number of homes being provided.
Our next consultation event
Following a community workshop in February 2023, Bloor Homes is holding a consultation event.
Tuesday 17th October 2023
6.30pm – 9pm
Barrow VC Primary School, Colethorpe Lane, Barrow, Bury Saint Edmunds, IP29 5AU
This will provide an opportunity to learn more about the proposals, how they have evolved as a result of community input as well as ask any questions to members of the project team directly.
Following our previous consultation events, Bloor Homes has considered comments provided to help evolve the design of the scheme.
Bloor Homes wanted to hear from the local community and stakeholders to understand how they could improve the proposals based on feedback so when the plans come forward, the scheme truly reflects the wishes of the local community.
Bloor Homes is grateful for all the comments received to date that have helped shape the scheme so far.
We urge you to show your support for the land at Bury Road through the feedback form and the Parish Council’s ongoing neighbourhood plan consultation.

Revised masterplan

170 high quality new homes

Policy compliant Affordable Housing

Mix of house types, tenure and sizes to increase opportunities for local residents

Public open green space

Play facilities

Biodiversity net gain

Drainage improvements

Extensive ecological improvements

Sustainable new homes
How the proposals have evolved
Following conversations with the local community and stakeholders, we are pleased to confirm that the following details have been incorporated into the illustrative masterplan:
- Further drainage assessment with proposed works along Bury Road to help mitigate localised flooding
- Proposed bungalows to back on to Dale Tree Road
- New housing mix
- Potential footpath and bicycle access through to the west
- Secure park and benches located in the middle of the site

Flooding and drainage
Bloor Homes understands that flooding and drainage is an important priority and we have provided some detailed information below as to how Bloor Homes aims to mitigate the effects of this.
The flooding is the result of a lack of an adequate highway drainage system, i.e the road turns into a river during rainfall events. The proposals provide a real opportunity in terms of local flood risk prevention and reduction. This can be achieved through installing a new highway drainage system along the entire site frontage.
Initial proposals include a combined kerb/drainage system with a positive outfall to the ditch south of Bury Road which would remove water from the road surface (stopping the road acting as a river).
The development of the site itself, through the site rainwater drainage to large water attenuation basins will also will help reduce the water being directed towards Bury Road.

Community benefits
As part of the development, Bloor Homes is committed to delivering a number of community benefits that will enhance the existing facilities in Barrow.
The existing facilities will be kept in the heart of the village and by providing sufficient funding that can be secured by way of conditions and through a Section 106 agreement, everyone living in Barrow will benefit.

Some of these benefits could be:

Financial contribution to local GP and school facilities

Refurbishment of Barrow Village Hall with the potential for renewable energy generation

Changing room facilities for the local football club

Recreational loop

Funding towards allotments
Have your say
Please let us know what you think of the proposals. You can do this by completing our online online survey below. All comments are greatly appreciated and will be used to evolve the plans wherever possible.
You can also speak directly to a member of the project team by contacting us via:
Call: 0800 148 8911
Write: Freepost MEETING PLACE CONSULTATION (no stamp required)

Bloor Homes has been building quality homes for over 50 years and is now one of the UK’s leading housebuilders. As the largest privately-owned housebuilder in the UK, Bloor has a proven track record in delivering successful new communities. Bloor Eastern is based in Bury St Edmunds and takes great pride in delivering high quality and energy efficient homes and our designs have evolved over the years of customer feedback.
Bloor Homes is widely regarded for its build quality and customer satisfaction. With a 5 star HBF rating awarded by its purchasers, it is one of the leading developers on the Trust Pilot review forum. Bloor Homes’ mission is to create better life experiences, one home at a time.